Motor brake and stop operation
<75K or higher>
*1 Used in combination with GZG, GRZG, or FR-BR.
*2 Used in combination with MT-BR5.
(1) When the built-in brake resistor, the brake unit (FR-BU2, BU, FR-BU) is used
⋅ Set Pr. 30 = "0 (initial value), 10, or 20" for the built-in brake resistor operation, the FR-BU2 operation with GZG/
GRZG/FR-BR, or the BU/FR-BU operation. The Pr.70 setting becomes invalid.
At this time, the regenerative brake duty is as follows. (The built-in brake resistor is provided for the 7.5K or lower.)
⋅ FR-A720-0.4K to 3.7K ............3%
⋅ FR-A720-5.5K, 7.5K ...............2%
⋅ FR-A740-0.4K to 7.5K ............2%
⋅ Other than the above..............0% (without built-in brake resistor)
(2) When using the high-duty brake resistor (FR-ABR) (22K or lower)
⋅ Set "1, 11 or 21" in Pr. 30.
⋅ Set Pr. 70 as follows.
7.5K or lower.......................... 10%
11K or higher ........................... 6%
(3) When the FR-BU2 brake unit is used (in combination with MT-BR5) (75K or higher)
⋅ Set the following parameter to use FR-BU2 with MT-BR5.
Set "1, 11, or 21" in Pr. 30.
Set "0% (initial value)" in Pr. 70.
Set Pr. 0 Brake mode selection = "2" in the brake unit FR-BU2.
Regeneration Unit
Power Supply to the
Pr. 30
Pr. 70
Without regenerative function
R/L1, S/L2, T/L3
(initial value)
P/+, N/- 10
R/L1, S/L2, T/L3 - P/+, N/- 20
Brake unit (FR-BU2
R/L1, S/L2, T/L3 1
(initial value)
P/+, N/- 11
R/L1, S/L2, T/L3 - P/+, N/- 21
Power regeneration converter (MT-RC) R/L1, S/L2, T/L3 1
(initial value)
Brake unit (MT-BU5)
R/L1, S/L2, T/L3 1
10%P/+, N/- 11
R/L1, S/L2, T/L3 - P/+, N/- 21
High power factor converter (FR-HC) P/+, N/- 2 ⎯
⋅ Do not operate the MT-BU5 type brake unit and FR-BU2 in parallel. Doing so could cause an alarm or brake unit failure. Use
the FR-BU2 only when performing parallel operation.
⋅ The stall prevention (overvoltage), oL, does not occur while Pr. 30 Regenerative function selection = "1, 11, or 21"
(4) When using a brake unit (MT-BU5) and power regeneration converter (MT-RC)
⋅ Set "1, 11 or 21" in Pr. 30.
⋅ Set "10%" in Pr. 70 when using a brake unit (MT-BU5).
Set "0%" in Pr. 70 when using a power regeneration converter (MT-RC).