
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-91
wireless mac-delete MAC_address
This command allows you to delete the specified MAC address(es) from the table of MAC addresses maintained
for this WLAN.
Wireless Privacy Commands (new and revised)
Note: The commands in this section are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.3.3 on wireless
(802.11)- enabled routers.
wireless ssid string
no wireless ssid string
show wireless ssid string
These commands allow you to specify or show a 32-character string or Network Name used to identify this
WLAN. Users must select or enter this string on their clients in order to become a part of this WLAN. This is a
change to the wireless essid command from previous firmware versions. These commands are supported
beginning with Firmware Version 8.3.3.
Wireless Privacy Commands (new and revised)
wireless ssid string
no wireless ssid string
show wireless ssid string
wireless privacy [ off | wep-manual | wep-auto | wpa-psk | 802.1x ]
show wireless privacy
wireless psk hex_string
no wireless psk
show wireless psk
wireless passphrase 1..57_character_string
show wireless passphrase 1..57_character_string