
Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-95
wireless second-ssid string
no wireless second-ssid
show wireless second-ssid
These commands allow you to specify or show a 32-character string or Network Name used to identify a second
SSID. This SSID will not be broadcasted. The no command will reset the second SSID to empty.
wireless third-ssid string
no wireless third-ssid
show wireless third-ssid
These commands allow you to specify or show a 32-character string or Network Name used to identify a third
SSID. This SSID will not be broadcasted. The no command will reset the third SSID to empty.
wireless fourth-ssid string
no wireless fourth-ssid
show wireless fourth-ssid
These commands allow you to specify or show a 32-character string or Network Name used to identify a fourth
SSID. This SSID will not be broadcasted. The no command will reset the fourth SSID to empty.
wireless first-ssid-privacy { off | wep-manual | wep-auto | wpa-psk | wpa-802.1x }
show wireless first-ssid-privacy
These commands allow you to specify or show the privacy setting for the first, and primary, SSID. Setting the
privacy setting of this SSID will reset all of the SSID privacy settings to this value. If you want to set the primary
to wpa-802.1x and one of the other SSIDs to wpa-psk, you must set the primary's first.
wireless second-ssid-privacy { off | wep-manual | wep-auto | wpa-psk | wpa-802.1x }
show wireless second-ssid-privacy
wireless third-ssid-privacy { off | wep-manual | wep-auto | wpa-psk | wpa-802.1x }
show wireless third-ssid-privacy
wireless fourth-ssid-privacy { off | wep-manual | wep-auto | wpa-psk | wpa-802.1x }
show wireless fourth-ssid-privacy
Note: Wireless privacy commands for multiple SSIDs are supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.5.1.
These commands allow you to specify or show a privacy setting for each SSID. The privacy setting must match
the first-ssid-privacy setting, unless first-ssid-privacy is wpa-802.1x. In that case, subsequent SSIDs may be
set to wpa-psk, if desired.