
2-110 Command Line Interface Commands Reference
IP Network Address Translation (NAT) Commands
Network Address Translation (NAT) makes use of five basic structures:
“public” or externally visible address ranges
“map” rules that bind an interior, private address range with a public address range
“map-lists”, which are ordered lists of maps
“servers”, which define a mapping between a private IP address and port and a public IP address (and the
same port)
“server-lists” which are lists of servers.
ip nat public tag dynamic from-address to-address
This command allows you to allocate a dynamic range of exterior, public addresses for use by Network Address
Translation. This range of addresses will be associated dynamically with private addresses you will define when
you create a map. tag is the name you assign to the range, and it can contain up to 16 characters.
The following creates a dynamic public range of 8 addresses starting at
ip nat public "my second range" dynamic
IP Network Address Translation (NAT) Commands
ip nat public tag dynamic from-address to-address
ip nat public tag static pub-from-address pub-to-address
ip nat public tag pat { pub-address | } [from-port to-port]
no ip nat public [ tag ]
ip nat map list-tag priv-from-address priv-to-address pool-tag
no ip nat map [ list-tag ]
show ip nat map list-tag
ip nat server list-tag priv-ip-addr pub-ip-addr { port-name pub-start-port [ pub-end-port ] }
{ both | tcp | udp } priv-start-port
no ip nat server [ list-tag ]
show ip nat server list-tag
show ip nat translation