Daq Systems 02-19-02 OMB-DBK Basics, pg. 3
DBK Identification Tables
Analog Output DBKs
Analog Output
Product Name/Description I/O
DBK2 Voltage Output Card 4 channels P1
DBK5 Current Output Card 4 channels P1
Digital I/O Control DBKs
Digital I/O / Control
Product Name/Description I/O
DBK20 General-Purpose Digital I/O Card (Screw Terminals) 48 channels P2
DBK21 General-Purpose Digital I/O Card (DB37 Connectors) 48 channels P2
DBK23 Optically Isolated Digital-Input Module 24 channels P2
DBK24 Optically Isolated Digital-Output Module 24 channels P2
DBK25 Relay Output Card 8 channels P2
Analog Signal Conditioning DBKs
The DBKs that are used for analog signal conditioning attach to transducers and condition their outputs
into analog voltages. An A/D converter, located in the primary acquisition device, measures the analog
voltages. There are many signal-conditioning solutions available (and more are in development). Note
that DBK high-capacity modules require more circuitry than can fit on a compact card.
Analog Signal Conditioning
Product Name/Description I/O
DBK4 Dynamic Signal Input Card 2 channels P1
DBK7 Frequency-to-Voltage Input Card 4 channels P1
DBK8 High-Voltage Input Card 8 channels P1
DBK9 RTD Measurement Card 8 channels P1
DBK12 Low-Gain Analog Multiplexing Card Note 2 16 channels P1
DBK13 High-Gain Analog Multiplexing Card Note 2 16 channels P1
DBK15 Universal Current/Voltage Input Card Note 2 16 channels P1
DBK16 Strain-Gage Measurement Card 2 channels P1
DBK17 Simultaneous Sample & Hold Card 4 channels P1
DBK18 Low-Pass Filter Card 4 channels P1
DBK19 Thermocouple Card Note 2 14 channels P1
DBK42 5B Isolated Signal-Conditioning Module 16 channels P1
DBK43A Strain-Gage Measurement Module 8 channels P1
DBK44 5B Isolated Signal-Conditioning Card 2 channels P1
DBK45 SSH and Low-Pass Filter Card 4 channels P1
DBK50 Isolated High-Voltage Input Module 8 channels P1
DBK51 Isolated Low-Voltage Input Module 8 channels P1
DBK52 Thermocouple Input Module Note 2 14 channels P1
DBK53 Low-Gain Analog Multiplexing Module Note 2 16 channels P1
DBK54 High-Gain Analog Multiplexing Module Note 2 16 channels P1
DBK80 Differential Voltage Input Card with Excitation Output 16 channels P1
DBK81 Thermocouple Card, High-Accuracy 7 channels P1
DBK82 Thermocouple Card, High-Accuracy 14 channels P1
DBK83 Thermal Couple Card, High-Accuracy; uses Connection Pod 14 channels POD-1
DBK84 Thermocouple Module, High-Accuracy 14 channels P1