Daq Systems 02-19-02 OMB-DBK Basics, pg. 9
Calculating Your System’s Power Needs
Use the chart below and the worktable on the next page to ensure your system will have sufficient power.
If the load (calculated in the worktable) exceeds available power (from the chart at the right), you must
add a power card or a module such as a DBK32A or DBK33.
Available Power Chart—Supply
Product Available Power
LogBook +5 VDC @ 0.10 A from P1-1, P2-18, P2-20, P3-20
+15 VDC @ 0.15 A from P1-21
+15 VDC @ 0.05 A from P3-19
-15 VDC @ 0.15 A from P1-2
-15 VDC @ 0.05 A from P3-37
DaqBook/100 2100 mW
DaqBook/112 2400 mW
DaqBook/120 2100 mW
DaqBook/200 4000 mW
DaqBook/216 4000 mW
DaqBook/260 4000 mW
DaqBoard/100A 3300 mW
DaqBoard/112A 3300 mW
DaqBoard/200A 3000 mW
DaqBoard/216A 3000 mW
DaqBoard/260A 3000 mW
DBK32 7500 mW
DBK32A 15000 mW
DBK33 7500 mW
DBK34 5 A-hr in 12 V mode; fused at 8 A
DBK34A 5 A-hr in 12 V mode; fused at 8 A
Use the following procedure and table to calculate the required system power.
1. In the Quantity column (5th), list the number of DBKs of that type in your system.
2. In the Sub Total column (7th), enter the product of column 5 and column 6 (mW).
3. Add the Sub Total column, and enter the sum at the bottom right of the table.
This result is your power requirement in mW.
DBK32, DBK32A, and DBK34 cannot supply +5 VDC.
In cases that require +5 VDC, if the +5 VDC requirement exceeds 500 mW from a
LogBook or Daq device, then a DBK33 must be used. Note that DBK33 can supply
1000 mW at +5 VDC.
The DBK34 has an 8 amp fuse, and has a capacity of 5 A-hr when in the 12V mode,
and a capacity of 2.5 A-hr when in the 24V mode.