Daq Systems 02-19-02 OMB-DBK Basics, pg. 5
1. The end use of the acquisition data should be used to determine how you set up and program your
acquisition system. Prior to creating the system you should understand its layout and know how you
are going to assign the channels. If you can answer the following questions you are off to a good start.
If not, you need to find the answers.
• What engineering units, ranges, sampling rates, etc. are best for your data?
• Will the data be charted graphically, statistically processed, or exported to other programs?
• How will the data be used?
• How will the data be saved?
• What are your system’ power requirements? Using several DBKs or transducers that
require excitation current may require an extra power supply, e.g., a DBK32A.
2. Assign channel numbers.
3. Plan the location of transducers, cable runs, DBKs, the acquisition device [LogBook or Daq device],
and the computer. Label your transducers, cables, and connectors to prevent later confusion.
4. When configuring your LogBook or Daq device(s) consider the following:
• LogBook calibration is typically performed automatically through LogView software;
however, some DBKs may require manual calibration.
• The DaqBook and DaqBoard (ISA type) have internal jumpers and switches that you
must set manually to match your application.
• Some DaqBook models are partially configured in software.
• Daq PC-Cards are configured entirely in software.
• You may need to refer to other documentation, such as Quick Starts, Installation Guides,
User’s Manuals, and pertinent DBK document modules.
5. Perform all hardware configurations before connecting signal and power. Remember to configure all
the DBK cards and modules for your application. Several jumpers and DIP switches may need to be
set (channel, gain, filters, signal mode, etc).
6. Setting up channel parameters often requires both hardware and software setup.
7. Route and connect all signal and power cables while all power is turned OFF.
8. To minimize electrical noise, route all signal lines away from any RF or high-voltage devices.
9. Follow your device’s specific installation instructions. For certain devices software should be installed
first; for others, hardware should be installed prior to software installation.
10. After software is loaded, remember to set the software parameters as needed for your
application. The software must recognize all the hardware in the system. Measurement units
and ranges should be checked to verify that they meet your application requirements.
11. Remember to set all channels to the proper mode for your DBK or other signal source.
12. After your system is up and running, verify proper data acquisition and data storage.
13. Verify system accuracy; adjust ranges or calibrate as needed.
14. Device specific information regarding system setup and expansion can be found in the Daq and
LogBook User’s manuals; and in the applicable DBK document modules of this manual.