
OMB-DaqBook User’s Manual 10-29-02 vii
Table of Contents
1 – Daq Systems, a Brief Overview
Daq Systems, the Modular Concept ……1-1
DaqBooks & DaqBoards ….1-2
Using DBK Cards & Modules for Signal Conditioning …1-3
Daq Software …… 1-3
2 – Setup and Startup
Set Jumpers ……2-2
Connect to the PC and Connect Power ….. 2-3
Install Software and Product Support Documentation …… 2-4
Test Hardware…… 2-5
3 – A Closer Look at DaqBook Hardware
DaqBook/100,/112,/120,/200, and /216 ……3-1
In General …… 3-1
DaqBook Differences …… 3-1
Performance Factors …… 3-2
Front and Rear Panels ……3-2
Jumpers ……3-4
Connections ……3-7
DaqBook/260 …… 3-12
Front and Rear Panels ……3-12
Hardware Setup ……3-13
Stacking Hardware ……3-17
Using Dual-Lock Tabs and Splice Plates …… 3-17
Using T-Cables ……3-18
DBK Basics (Document Module)
Introduction…… 1
How Do DBKs Connect to the Data Acquisition Device? …… 2
DBK Identification Tables ….. 3
Analog Output DBKs …… 3
Digital I/O Control DBKs …… 3
Analog Signal Conditioning DBKs …… 3
Expansion and Terminal Panel Connection DBKs …… 4
Power Supply DBKs …… 4
Tips on Setting up a Data Acquisition System …… 4
Power Supplies and Power Connectors ……6
An Introduction to Power-Related DBKs ….. 7
Calculating Your System’s Power Needs …… 9
Additional Reading ….. 11
Appendix A - Specifications, DaqBooks