100 Client Application C2631M-A (6/07)
You can remove a USB device within the DX8100 environment. In this case, you do not have to exit to the Windows environment.
To remove the USB flash drive from the PC, follow the Windows instructions applicable for your machine. For example, for Windows XP:
1. Click the Safely Remove Hardware icon in the task bar. The system displays a message to safely remove the USB device.
2. Click the Safely remove USB Mass Storage Device, Drive(G:) box. The system displays a confirmation message.
3. Remove the USB flash drive.
Images recorded at 4CIF at a low frame rate per second might move or tear. The DX8100 provides a global option for enabling deinterlacing
filtering to enhance the exported image for 4CIF recorded channels. In this case, the exported image is converted to 2CIF resolution. This setting
is effective for all channels, and cannot be set for enabling individual channels. For more information about viewing video in the deinterlaced
mode, refer to Viewing Video in the Deinterlaced Mode.
To enable the deinterlacing filter:
1. Make sure the DVR is in Playback or Search mode by clicking or .
2. Click if you are in Live mode, or proceed to step 3 if you are in Search mode.
3. Click . The Export Video dialog box opens.
4. From the Export Format area, select the “Enable deinterlacing filter” check box.
Figure 80. Enabling the Deinterfacing Filter from the Export Video Dialog Box
You can export sections of prerecorded video to a network drive. The DX8100 allows you to map to or disconnect from a network drive. In this
case, you must use the IP address of the target drive. The DX8100 allows you to use the host name of the target device. To do so, you must
enable NetBIOS option in the Windows environment. You need to know what letters are already assigned to drives and the path to the folder you
want to map.
This section describes how to map to and disconnect from a network drive, including the following topics:
• Mapping a Network Drive
• Disconnecting a Network Drive
To map a network drive:
1. Make sure the DVR is in Playback or Search mode by clicking or .
2. Click if you are in Live mode, or proceed to step 3 if you are in Search mode. Click . The Export Video dialog box opens.
3. Click Map NetDrv. The Map Network Drive dialog box opens asking for a drive letter and path.
4. In the Drive drop-down box, select a drive letter that is not being used.
5. Type the path in the Folder drop-down box. (For example, type \\IP_address_of_server\folder_name.)
WARNING: Improperly removing a USB drive can cause data to be lost or corrupted.