116 Client Application C2631M-A (6/07)
Setting Up the Expanded Audio Options
To set up the expanded audio option:
1. Do the following:
a. Install the optional DX8108-AUD/DX8116-AUD audio card (if necessary). For information about installing the optional
DX8108-AUD/DX8116-AUD audio card, refer to the DX8100 8/16 Channel Audio Card Installation manual (C2638M).
b. Connect an audio input device (microphone) to the numbered DX8108-AUD/DX8116-AUD audio card input for the camera channel
being configured for live audio recording.
c. To hear live audio at the local server, connect head phones to the DX8100 audio output connector.
2. On the DX8100 toolbar, click . The Setup dialog box opens to the Camera page.
3. Check the Channel Information section to verify that the audio option is installed and available.
4. In the Camera Properties section, select the camera channel you want to configure for live audio recording.
5. In the Audio Settings section, verify that the Audio Disable check box is not selected.
6. Click Apply.
7. Verify that you can hear sound from the DX8100 audio output.
The DX8100 audio feature allows you to listen to live audio at a local server or listen to live audio from a remote DX8100 server or client system.
For information about setting up the DX8100 server to record and listen to live audio, refer to Audio Setup.
This section describes how to listen to live audio and includes the following topics:
• Listening to Live Audio at a Local Server
• Listening to Live Audio from a Remote DX8100 System
Listening to Live Audio at a Local Server
To listen to live audio at the local server:
1. Connect head phones to the DX8100 audio output connector. For information about setting up the DX8100 server to record and listen to live
audio, refer to Audio Setup
2. On the DX8100 toolbar, click Setup. The Setup dialog box opens to the Camera page.
3. Check the Channel Information section to verify that the audio option is installed and available.
4. In the Camera Properties section, select the camera channel that is configured for live audio recording.
5. In the Audio Settings section, verify that the Audio Disable check box is not selected.
6. Click Apply.
7. Verify that you can hear sound from the DX8100 audio output.
8. On the DX8100 toolbar, click .
9. Drag a camera that is configured to record live audio from the Site tree onto a view pane.
10. Verify that you can hear live audio.