C2631M-A (6/07) Client Application 45
Working in Live View Mode
This section describes how to use the DX8100 to view and record live video. All users can view live video from the main window. Users with PTZ
access rights (Standard User by default) and higher can operate the on-screen PTZ controls. Live video can also be displayed in full screen view.
For information about displaying playback video in full screen view, refer to Displaying Live Video in Full Screen View.
The DX8100 displays live video based on one of the following scenarios:
• Capture card displays live video: The capture card is used to display live video on the main VGA monitor. For each channel, live video is
displayed on the VGA monitor at the maximum recording rate. For example, channel 1 is set to 2CIF recording resolution and the actual
record rate is 1 image per second (ips). In this case, live video for channel 1 is displayed at 15 ips. Additionally, the capture card provides a
BNC analog output of the live video image. The analog image is the same as the image displayed on the VGA monitor. The DX8100 External
Monitor option allows you to configure how analog video is displayed on an external monitor connected to the capture card. For information
about the External Monitor feature, refer to External Monitor Setup.
• MUX card displays real-time video: If the DX8100 is equipped with the MUX option, real-time video from the MUX card(s) is displayed
on the main VGA monitor at 30 ips. Real-time video is displayed for all the channels regardless of the recording resolution.
– Additionally, the MUX Card provides a BNC analog output of the real-time video image. The analog image is the same as the image
displayed on the VGA monitor. The analog output does not contain any display icons, labels, or text, but video is displayed on the analog
monitor in the same division mode as is displayed on the VGA monitor.
– One operational difference is that the MUX stops the display of real-time video if the search mode is active for one channel. In this
case, the capture card(s) are used to display the video.
When installing the MUX card option, ensure that the MUX Card matches the capture card channel capacity as follows:
• If an 8-channel capture card is installed, the DX8108-MUX option is required. The DX8124 model DVR has two capture cards installed: an
8-channel and a 16-channel capture card. In this case, the DX8108-MUX and DX8116-MUX option are required.
• If a 16-channel capture card is installed, the DX8116-MUX option is required. The DX8132 model DVR has two 16-channel capture cards
installed. In this case, two DX8116-MUX options are required.
To view live video in the DX8100 main window:
• On the DX8100 toolbar, click Live.
This section includes the following topics:
• Assigning and Removing Cameras from View Panes
• Live View On-Screen Display (OSD)
• Customizing the On-Screen Display (OSD)
The DX8100 allows you to quickly move cameras to and remove cameras from a view pane.
To assign a camera to the view pane:
1. Drag a camera from the Site tree onto a view pane.
2. Repeat the process in step 1 for up to 36 cameras and up to five different DX8100 sites.
To remove a camera from a view pane:
• Right click in the view pane and drag the camera to the Site tree pane.
For information about the DX8100 view pane and panels, refer to the following topics:
• Working with View Panes and Panels
• Configuring View Panels
• Navigating View Panels