C2631M-A (6/07) Client Application 79
The following table describes the parts of the DX8100 window in the Search mode.
If you are searching for an image that is recorded at 4CIF at a low frame rate per second, the viewed image might move or tear. The View menu’s
Deinterlaced Image option is used to enhance the image during a search activity.
To search video using the deinterlaced option:
1. On the menu bar, click View > Display deinterlaced image.
2. On the DX8100 toolbar, click . The DX8100 is placed in the Search mode.
The DX8100 allows sharing of time range search settings between the Thumbnail and Pixel search mode. If you initiate a Thumbnail search, you
can select a preview clip and initiate a Pixel search. The Pixel search mode is based on the same time criteria as the preview Thumbnail clip.
Index search allows a user to search video by events, such as motion detection or alarm activation. Events are listed chronologically and by type.
To ensure thhe proper camera channel is selected, check the camera information box above the playback timeline or verify that the desired view
panel is framed with a thin red outline. Index video can also be displayed in full screen view. For information about displaying playback video in
full screen view, refer to Displaying Index Search Video in Full Screen View.
Table V. Parts of the DX8100 Window in Search Mode
Item Part Description
Index Search Allows users to search motion and alarm events listed in the event index panel.
Thumbnail Search Allows users to visually search video that has been recorded over a 24-hour period. Video is presented as a
series of thumbnail images. Each thumbnail represents the first image recorded during a specified period of
time. Thumbnails can be expanded and collapsed to represent hourly, 10-minute, and 1-minute intervals.
POS Search Allows users to search ATM/POS transaction text data.
Pixel Search Allows users to search any 24-hour period of recorded video automatically for changes in screen pixels.
View Window Displays search video, image thumbnails, and pixel grid.
Site Tree Facilitates top-down, hierarchical management of DX8100 resources such as servers, cameras, alarms, and
Event Index Panel Lists motion and alarm events over the 24-hour time period specified in the playback timeline.
Select All Check Box Enables playback for all visible view panels when selected. If this check box is deselected, only the
selected channel will play. This control is only available while using Index Search.
Playback Timeline Displays a 24-hour timeline marked with color-coded video events. Allows user to select a date and time
for playback.
Playback Control
Provides buttons to control video playback. Includes forward and reverse playback and still image. Also
provides controls for playback speed and volume.
Playback Zoom
Provides access to digital zoom features during playback.
Search Control Provides access to the index, thumbnail, POS, and pixel search controls.