12 C4632M (11/09)
The DX4104 Menu bar allows you to access the File, View, and Help menu features. The following tables describe the menu commands.
Table A. File Menu
Command Description
Connect Establish connection between the Client application and DX4104 server.
Disconnect Disconnects the Client from the site and discontinues displaying video from the disconnected site.
Save to JPEG Allows you to save a screen shot in JPEG format to a designated location on the PC hard drive. The default location
is C:\DX4100 Exported files.
Backup Search Allows you to search backed up video stored on a media device.
End Backup Search Ends the backup search mode.
Exit Exits the Client application.
Table B. View Menu
Command Description
OSD Opens the on-screen display (OSD) submenu with the following global display options.
• Channel Number: Displays the input channel (01 to 04) to which the camera is connected.
• Site Name: Displays the site name.
• Camera Name: Displays the camera name. The default name is CH 01 to CH 02.
• Playback Time: Displays the date and time that the video was recorded.
• PTZ: Displays the PTZ controls for each channel configured for PTZ operation.
• Audio: Displays the Audio controls for each channel assigned to an audio input.
• Select All: Selects all of the OSD options.
Cycle View (Dwell Time) Opens the dwell time submenu.
Language Opens the language submenu.
HDD Information Opens the HDD Information dialog box that displays the normal and event partition storage capacity status.
Log View Displays system events that have occurred on the date selected in the Date box.
Table C. Help Menu
Command Description
DX Client Information Provides model and version information about the Client application.