C4632M (11/09) 63
The notification feature has the following guidelines:
• Alarm: Sends a text-based alarm notification in response to an alarm event.
• Motion: Sends a text-based motion notification in response to a motion event.
• Disk full: Has the following guidelines based on the Hard Disk Overwrite setting at the server:
– ALL: A disk full notification is not sent, because the server does not issue a disk full warning.
When the normal and event partitions are full, the DX4104 continues to record video by writing over previously recorded data (oldest
recorded data is overwritten first).
– OFF: Sends a disk full text-based notification in response to a normal or event partition disk full warning.
When the hard drive is full (normal, event partition, or both), the system stops recording.
– NORMAL: Sends a disk full text-based notification in response to a event partition disk full warning.
When the normal partition is full, the system continues to record by writing over previously record data in the normal partition. When
the event partition is full, the system stops recording data to the event partition.
– EVENT: Sends a disk full text-based notification in response to a normal partition disk full warning.
When the event partition is full, the system continues to record by writing over previously record data in the event partition. When the
normal partition is full, the system stops recording data to the normal partition.
• Admin password changed: Sends an administrator 01 ID notification in response to a change to the 01 ID administrator password.
Changing the password of additional users assigned administrator-level permission will not initiate a notification message.
• Video loss: Sends a video loss notification in response if video loss is detected on any channel.
• Power on/off: Sends a power loss notification in response to the DX4104 power being turned off.
To configure the notification features:
1. On the toolbar, click the Setup icon .
2. Click the Network icon .
3. In the Notification section:
a. To select alarm indication, select the Alarm On check box.
b. Repeat step 3a to enter the settings for the remaining notification check boxes.
4. To save the changes, click the Live icon , and then click OK.
The Dynamic DNS (DDNS) feature uses port 8245 provided by No-IP
. If the DVR is installed in a network with a firewall, port 8245 has to be
opened. The DX4104 supports the following DDNS services:
• zoneedit
To configure the DDNS service:
1. On the toolbar, click the Setup icon.
2. Click the Network icon.
3. In the DDNS section:
a. In the User ID box, type the user ID.
b. In the Password box, type the password.
c. In the Host Name box, type the host name.
4. To save the changes, click the Live icon, and then click OK.