C4632M (11/09) 69
User accounts can be added, changed, or deleted. By default, both the user name and password is admin, admin.
• User ID: Allows you to create user accounts.
The user name has the following guidelines:
• Characters can include letters (a to z, upper and lowercase), numerals (0 to 9), and special characters.
• The user name must not exceed 23 characters in length.
• Level: Allows you to create three user levels: Administrator, Power User, and Normal User. A user is assigned a level when the user
account is created. Table J describes the user levels and permissions granted to each level.
• Password: Allows you to administer the user account password.
If you change the password, it must adhere to the following guidelines:
• Characters can include letters (a to z, upper and lowercase), numerals (0 to 9), and special characters.
• The password must contain 4 to 8 characters.
The DX4104 supports 10 user accounts including the default administrator account.
Table J. User Levels and Permissions
DVR Operation
User Level
Administrator Power User Normal User
Live Yes Yes Yes
Search Yes Yes No
PTZ Yes Yes Yes
Alarm Off Yes Yes Yes
Instant Playback Yes Yes Yes
Instant Record Yes Yes Yes
Instant Backup Yes Yes No
Select Display Mode Yes Yes Yes
View System Log Yes Yes Yes
View System Information Yes Yes Yes
Setup Yes No No
Export Yes Yes No