C4632M (11/09) 13
Table D. GUI Toolbar Features and Functions
Live: Displays the main application window.
Search: Opens the Search window.
Setup: Opens the Setup window.
Export: Opens the Export dialog box.
Print: Opens the Print dialog box.
1-Division: Displays video from one camera.
4-Division: Displays video from four cameras (2 x 2).
9-Division: Displays video from nine cameras (3 x 3).
16-Division: Displays video from sixteen cameras (4 x 4).
6-Division: Displays video in one large pane and five smaller images (1 large and 5 small).
8-Division: Displays video in one large pane and seven smaller images (1 large and 7 small).
Cycle View: Starts and stops the window cycling display.
Full Screen: Hides the GUI controls and displays video on the entire screen. Click the right mouse button to exit the full-screen
Connection List Setup: Opens the Connection List dialog box. Use this dialog box to add, change, and delete a site.