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5. Enter a unique System ID for your DVR in the System ID field. (System IDs must start with a letter, must be 15 characters or less, and cannot
include spaces or special characters.)
Your DVR’s site name is used to identify your system to clients and other DX8100 servers. Your DVR’s system ID is used to uniquely identify
your system on a LAN. System IDs are required to prevent possible conflicts with other network devices.
6. Set up the. For information on setting up DHCP or static IP addressing, refer to Setting Up DHCP on page 152 or Setting Up a Static IP
Address on page 153.
Figure 131. Network Setup Page
Setting Up DHCP
Your network must support DHCP, and an active DCHP server must be present for dynamic addressing to work. If you select DHCP and your
network does not include an active DHCP server, the IP address settings will default to addresses in the 169.254.x.x range. Consult your network
administrator for more information.
Access the Network page to set up the DHCP options. For information on accessing the Network page, refer to Setting Up DX8100 Network
Access on page 151.
To configure the DVR to acquire a dynamic IP address through DHCP:
1. In the Network page, click the check box labeled Obtain An IP Address Automatically (DHCP).
2. Click Apply.
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