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A preset is a user-defined camera position using PTZ and focus commands the (camera’s auto focus option must be turned off). Only cameras that
support positioning and programming using D, P, Coaxitron, or supported third-party protocols can use this feature. The DX8100 Series DVR can
address up to 150 PTZ presets (1-150). Preset 95 is reserved for remote camera setup, and preset 99 is reserved for camera autoscan mode.
The PTZ controls are hidden in the extended view mode. In this case, select the standard view mode to display the PTZ controls.
To switch between the standard and extended view mode:
• From the DX8100 menu bar, choose View > Extended View.
For information on changing view modes, refer to Switching Between Standard and Extended Panel Views on page 28.
The following PTZ operating guidelines must be observed:
• To program or clear presets, preset tours, and patterns, the icon must be engaged.
• To activate presets, tours, and patterns, the icon must be disengaged.
This section describes how to program, activate, and clear presets and includes the following topics:
• Programming a Preset
• Activating a Preset on page 52
• Clearing a Preset on page 53
This section describes how to program a preset. The following PTZ operating guidelines apply:
• Clicking the icon places DX8100 in PTZ programming mode.
• While in PTZ programming mode, multiple presets can be programmed until the icon is pressed again.
To program a PTZ preset:
1. On the DX8100 toolbar, click .
2. Drag a camera from the Site tree onto a view panel.
3. Click .
4. Using the on-screen PTZ controls and PTZ keypad, move the camera to the desired position and adjust the zoom setting.
Figure 22. Creating a Preset