C1534M (1/06) 17
Find Device Utility
The Find Device utility assists with the management of large and complicated system diagrams. This feature locates a specific device and
centers the configuration diagram on that device.
1. Select Edit > Find Device from the Device Configuration window menu bar. The Find Device dialog box appears.
Alternate Step 1
Right-click the configuration diagram, and then select Find Device from the pop-up menu.
Figure 10. Find Device Dialog Box
2. Select a device type from the drop-down box.
3. A corresponding list of installed components appears. Click the name of the device you want to find.
4. Click Locate. The configuration diagram repositions to center on the specified device.
Print the Device Configuration Diagram
A printed copy of the configuration diagram can be helpful during installation and for system record keeping.
1. From the Device Configuration window, select File > Print. A standard Windows print dialog box appears.
2. Select the appropriate print options.
3. Click OK. The configuration diagram prints on the specified printer.
NOTE: To use the print function, you must have a printer connected to the VMX210 workstation parallel port. Refer to the Windows 2000
documentation for printer installation instructions.
Save Changes
When you exit the Device Configuration window, the Save Configuration message box prompts you to save changes. Refer to the Close the
Device Configuration Window section.
As the system saves your changes, it will report any conflicts or errors in the wiring diagram, and errors must be corrected before the changes
can be saved. Due to inherent design flexibility, many errors are outside the scope of the software’s diagnostic tests. Careful planning and
documentation is recommended in order to avoid problems and speed system integration time.
Cancel Changes\Revert
To cancel the changes you have made in the Device Configuration window, you can reload the previously saved configuration diagram.
1. Select File > Revert from the menu bar.
Alternate Step 1
Click the Revert icon on the tool bar.
2. Click Yes in the “Revert to last saved configuration?” message box. The previously saved configuration diagram appears.