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Select Images
In the Capture Viewer, you can select one or more capture images for printing or deleting by using any of the following methods:
• To select an individual image click the image
• To select all images shown in the Capture Viewer, use Ctrl-A, or select Edit > Select All from the Capture Viewer menu bar.
• To select a group of images press and hold the Ctrl key, and then click the desired images.
• To select a sequence of images click and drag the mouse to draw a box around the desired images. The selected images are highlighted.
NOTE: To invert the selection (deselect the previously selected images, and select all of the previously unselected images) click Edit > Invert
Selection from the Capture Viewer menu bar.
Figure 70. Select a Sequence of Images
Copy an Image
1. Select an image, and then click the Copy icon.
2. The image is copied to the system clipboard. You can then paste the image into another application.
Save Image Captures
Pelco recommends saving a backup copy of any important image captures on external media, such as a CD. Image captures are stored in the
“Program Files\CamControlSvr\AlarmImage” folder. Manual captures are saved in the “IDO” subfolder.
The VMX210 system includes a Read/Writer CD drive, which you can use to create a CD backup of image captures. Follow the CD creation
instructions provided in the CD software.
Delete Images
Select one or more images, and then click the Delete icon.