C1534M (1/06) 41
If you configure a sequence to send an image capture file to an Internet file server, you must configure the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server and
network proxy server information.
Configure Network Proxies
1. Select Configure > FTP Sites from the site map window. The FTP Sites dialog box appears.
Figure 46. FTP Sites Dialog Box
2. Click Edit Proxies, and then click New. The Proxy Details dialog box appears.
Figure 47. Proxy Details Dialog Box
3. Complete the following fields according to your network design. Consult your network administrator for information on specific settings.
Name: Enter the name given to the proxy server.
Address: Enter the IP address or FTP address of the proxy server.
Port: Enter the appropriate port.
Logon Name: Enter the proxy server’s login name.
Password: Enter the proxy server’s login password.
Type: Select the appropriate proxy server logon type.
4. Click OK and then click Close.