C1534M (1/06) 75
A special “.ccm” file editor program program, called “Window Placement Editor,” was installed with the control system and may be found under
the Start menu. This utility program allows users to manage their system’s window configuration through a simple interface. Contact Pelco for
View the Diagnostic Log
Before contacting Pelco, refer to the Diagnostic Log to see if it detected errors. The Diagnostic Log records errors starting drivers and errors
related to the VMX200 software (such as with macros or sequences). The Diagnostic Log also records when Macros are started.
1. Select View > Diagnostic Log.
2. Write down any unusual entries in the log.
3. When you discuss your system problem with Pelco, provide the technical support staff with the Diagnostic Log entries.
Backup the VMX210 Database
VMX200 makes a backup copy of the configuration database each time the configuration screen is closed successfully. A total of five backup files
are retained, based on the most recent dates. Use the Backup utility to make additional copies and to save backup databases to alternative
media. Pelco recommends also saving a copy of the database on external media (such as a CD).
Users with administration privileges can save the current database to a backup file name and location.
1. Select Utilities > Database Utilities > Backup from the map screen menu bar. The Save Database Backup As dialog box appears.
2. Type an appropriate filename, and then select a new location, if necessary.
3. Click Save.
Restore the VMX210 Database
In the unlikely event that your VMX210 system suffers a serious system error resulting in a corruption of the system configuration information,
the following steps should ensure that the system recovers smoothly:
1. Restart VMX210.
2. The system may prompt you to specify an alternative database. If not, select Utilities > Database Utilities > Restore. The Backup Databases
dialog box appears.
Figure 82. Backup Databases Dialog Box
3. Select the most recent backup file from the backup files saved automatically by VMX210 or from the copies manually saved with the
Backup utility described in the Backup the VMX210 Database Database section, above.
4. Click OK, and then restart VMX210.
The system will now perform properly. If problems still exist, contact Pelco immediately.