
Enter the alpha-numeric Service Provider ID (SPID) issued by the service provider. Because LiveGateway uses
two BRI lines, you need to enter two SPIDs for switch types that use them.
Enter the Multi-Subscriber Number (MSN) issued by the service provider. LiveGateway uses one ISDN-BRI
line, which has two B Channels. Because LiveGateway uses the two B Channels of this line, you need to enter
two MSNs (if required by your service provider).
To specify whether the board is active or inactive:
1. In the State field, click the down arrow button. The default value, Enabled, is highlighted.
2. Highlight Enabled or Disabled as appropriate.
Click the Gatekeeper button to register LiveGateway with a gatekeeper such as LiveManager. To register with
LiveManager, LiveGateway needs to know the LiveManager's Server name or IP address. To specify these
TCP/IP parameters to LiveGateway:
1. Click the Gatekeeper button on the LiveGateway Configuration screen. The TCP/IP Information
window is displayed.
2. Enter the LiveManager server name or IP address, and click OK.
Always Use Operator
Select this checkbox to direct all incoming LiveGateway calls to the LiveLAN client, or other H.323 client that
supports call transfer, designated as the operator station in LiveManager's operator station mapping file. When