To perform a Loopback Test on a LiveGateway Board:
1. Open the LiveGateway server from the LiveGateway SNMP Manager
2. Select the Gateway Boards tab of the LiveGateway Server window.
3. Perform one of the following actions:
• Click on a board in the list to highlight the board, and select
Operations... -> Loop Back… from the LiveGateway Server window’s
menu bar
• Right-click your mouse when it is positioned over the board’s entry
line and select "Loop Back…" from the popup menu
4. The Loopback dialog box appears. Enter the name of the Diagnostic H.323
Terminal ID in the text field.
5. Click the Start Loopback button after the Loopback test starts, the Board
Status changes to Loopback, and the push button caption changes to "Stop
6. To stop the Loopback test, click the Stop Loopback button.
If the LiveGateway board is in a download or self-test state, you cannot run
the loopback test, and the Start Loopback selection on the Operations menu
selection appears dimmed.
Power On Self Test
If a Fail status is displayed for a LiveGateway Board, perform a Power-On Self Test (POST) by resetting the
board. The Fail Status for the board is displayed under the Status category of the LiveGateway Boards tab of the
LiveGateway Server window.
To perform a Power On Self-test (POST):