Outgoing Calls
When a user makes a LAN to WAN call, LiveManager checks for available resources and passes the call to
LiveGateway. If there is more than one LiveGateway installed on a server, LiveManager uses the bandwidth
information to determine which LiveGateway will complete the call.
If bandwidth checking has been enabled, LiveManager chooses available LiveGateways by location (closest to
farthest). If bandwidth checking has been disabled, LiveManager chooses available LiveGateways by order of
registration (first to last).
Incoming Calls
LiveGateway allows LiveLAN clients to receive two types of calls from H.320 and other LiveGateways:
2. Operator-assisted
DTMF Calls
DTMF is an abbreviation for Dual-Tone Multiple Frequency -- the telecommunications scheme that encodes
digits using the sounds generated by push-button telephones. The following PictureTel systems support DTMF:
• PictureTel Live 50™ (all versions)
• PictureTel Live 100™ (all versions)
• PictureTel Live200™ (version 1.1)
• PictureTel SwiftSite™ (all versions)
• PictureTel Venue 2000™ (all versions)
• PictureTel Concorde 4500™ (version 6.10 or later)
Note: Users placing calls from terminals that do not support DTMF can either place a pocket dialer next
to the microphone of the terminal making the call or use operator assistance. For more information, refer
to Operator-assisted Calls.
Note: When sending DTMF tones to LiveGateway, it is important that the H.320 system is not muted. If
the H.320 system is muted, the tones will not be sent to LiveGateway, even through they are audible
(can be heard) from the H.320 system’s speakers.
When LiveGateway receives a call from an H.320 user with DTMF:
1. LiveGateway prompts the H.320 user (via an audio prompt) to enter the H.323 Terminal ID of the
destination client.
2. The user enters the H.323 Terminal ID, and the terminal sends the ID as DTMF tones through its audio
3. LiveGateway converts the tones to digits.
4. LiveGateway and Live Manager use the digits to request connection to the LiveLAN client.
5. If LiveManager cannot find the LiveLAN or H.323 client, the call is disconnected, unless operator-
assistance is used, in which case, the call is forwarded to the operator station.
When LiveGateway receives a call from an H.320 user without DTMF:
1. LiveGateway prompts the H.320 user to enter the H.323 Terminal ID of the destination client.