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Monitoring LiveGateway Status
The status information for the LiveGateway Board is displayed under the "Status" column heading on the
Gateway Boards tab of the LiveGateway Server window.
The following status categories may be displayed under the Status heading:
• On Line
• Off Line
• Self Test
• Download
• Fail
• In Call
• Loopback
• Disabled
On Line
The On Line status is displayed when LiveGateway is registered, active, and ready to receive and place (send)
calls. A LiveGateway that displays the On Line status is registered to LiveManager.
Note: If LiveManager is not active, the LiveGateway cannot register to it. A LiveGateway that is active but
unregistered, displays its status as Off Line.
Off Line
When the Off Line status is displayed, clients cannot place or receive calls through the LiveGateway.
Self Test
The Self Test status is displayed for a LiveGateway that is running the start-up diagnostics. This status is
displayed when a Power-On Self Test (POST) is performed by resetting the LiveGateway board. If the test is
successful, the status message changes to Download. If the test fails, a Fail status is displayed. For additional
information, refer to Appendix C.
The Download status is displayed while files are being downloaded from the server to the LiveGateway board.
This happens when you reset or power-up the board and a POST test completes successfully. After the files are
successfully downloaded, the LiveGateway status changes to On Line or Off Line. Downloading a
LiveGateway can take two to three minutes.