Using the Command Line Interface
Inventory Management Information
The inventory management commands display advanced information about the AP’s installed components.
You may be asked to report this information to a technical representative if you contact customer support.
Network Parameters
The IP Address Assignment Type (ipaddrtype) must be set to static before the IP Address (ipaddr), IP Mask
(ipsubmask) or Default Gateway IP Address (ipgw) values can be entered.
Location Parameters
You can also configure the AP’s basic IP settings using the following Location parameters:
Name Type Values Access CLI Parameter
System Inventory Management Subgroup N/A R sysinvmgmt
Component Table Subgroup N/A R sysinvmgmtcmptbl
Component Interface Table Subgroup N/A R sysinvmgmtcmpiftbl
Name Type Values Access CLI Parameter
Network Group N/A R network
IP Configuration Group N/A R ip (Note: The network and
ip parameters display the
same information)
IP Address IpAddress User Defined RW ipaddr
IP Mask IpAddress User Defined RW ipmask
Default Router IP Address IpAddress User Defined RW ipgw
Default TTL Integer User Defined
64 (default)
RW ipttl
Address Type Integer static
dynamic (default)
RW ipaddrtype
Name Type Values Access CLI Parameter
Location Group N/A R location
Network IP Address IpAddress User Defined RW/Reboot locationNetworkIp
Network Subnet
User Defined RW/Reboot locationNetmask
Gateway IP Address IpAddress User Defined RW/Reboot locationGateway