XML Interface Specification
Bandwidth Up
Set the bandwidth up for an authorized user.
Command attr: "SUBSCRIBER"
Command attr_data: User MAC address (string)
data_1: (number measured in Kbps (i.e. for 128,000 bit per second, enter 128))
Returns: Standard response form
Bandwidth Down
Set the bandwidth down for an authorized user.
Command attr: "SUBSCRIBER"
Command attr_data: User MAC address (string)
data_1: (number measured in Kbps (i.e. for 128,000 bit per second, enter 128))
Returns: Standard response form
Delete User
Sample file name: UserDelete.htm
The User will be deleted (based on MAC address or user name).
Command: "USER_DELETE"
tag_1: "USER"
tag_1_attr: "ID_TYPE"
tag_1_attr_data: "MAC_ADDR" or "USER_NAME"
data_1: if ID_TYPE = "MAC_ADDR" then (User's MAC address)
if ID_TYPE = "USER_NAME" then (user name)
Returns: Standard response form