Installation & Basic Configuration
Basic Configuration
Once you have a valid IP Address assigned to your AP-2500 and you can communicate with it over an Ethernet
network, use your web browser to configure the AP-2500. This section describes how to perform some basic functions
and configure some of the AP’s basic settings to get you started.
• Logging into the Web Interface
• Set System Name, Location and Contact Information
• Set the Access Point’s IP Address
• Configure Network Names for the Wireless Interfaces
• Configure the Ethernet Interface
• Set WEP Encryption for each Wireless Interface
• Set and Change Passwords
• Configure the Date and Time
• Reboot the AP
After configuring the basic settings, reboot the Access Point so your changes will take effect.
Logging into the Web Interface
Follow these steps to access the Access Point’s Web interface:
1. Open a Web browser on a network computer on the same Ethernet network as the AP.
• The Web browser interface supports the following Web browser
— Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or later
— Netscape 6 or later
For security reasons, the AP-2500 can only be configured over its Ethernet port. You cannot configure the AP
using a wireless client.
2. If necessary, disable the browser’s Internet proxy settings. For Internet Explorer users, follow these steps:
• Select Tools > Internet Options....
• Click the Connections tab.
• Click LAN Settings....
• If necessary, remove the check mark from the Use a proxy server box.
• Click OK twice to save your changes and return to Internet Explorer.
3. Enter the Access Point’s IP address in the browser’s Address field and press Enter.
• This is either the dynamic IP address assigned by a network DHCP server or the static IP address you
manually configured. See Initialization (ScanTool) for information on how to determine the unit’s IP address
and manually configure a new IP address, if necessary.
• Result: The Enter Network Password screen appears.
4. Enter the HTTP password in the Password field. Leave the User Name field blank. For new units, the default
HTTP password is “public”.
• Result: The System Configuration screen appears.