ORiNOCO AP-2500 User Guide
Technical Support
If you are having a problem using an AP-2500 and cannot resolve it with the information in Troubleshooting, gather the
following information and contact your local authorized reseller.
Gather the following information before contacting your reseller:
• List of ORiNOCO products installed on your network; include the following:
– Product names and quantity
– Part numbers (P/N)
– Serial numbers (S/N)
• List of ORiNOCO software versions installed
– For the AP-2500, check the Web browser interface’s Version screen
– Include the source of the software version (e.g., pre-loaded on unit, installed from CD, downloaded from
Proxim Web site, etc.)
• Information about your network
– Network operating system (e.g., Microsoft Networking); include version information
– Protocols used by network (e.g., TCP/IP, NetBEUI, IPX/SPX, AppleTalk)
– Ethernet frame type (e.g., 802.3, Ethernet II), if known
– IP addressing scheme (include address range and whether static or DHCP)
– Network speed and duplex (10 or 100 Mbits/sec; full or half duplex)
– Type of Ethernet device that the Access Points are connected to (e.g., Active Ethernet power injector, hub,
switch, etc.)
– Type of Security enabled on the wireless network (None, WEP Encryption)
• A description of the problem you are experiencing
– What were you doing when the error occurred?
– What error message did you see?
– Can you reproduce the problem?
– For each ORiNOCO product, describe the behavior of the device’s LEDs when the problem occurs
The latest software and documentation is available for download at http://www.proxim.com/.
If necessary, you can contact Proxim Technical Support directly. However, all queries should first be directed to your
local supplier.
• All Customers are entitled to have 30 days free customer support. Please note that all Support Requests
which are outside of the 30-day free support time will be charged a fee of $25.00 (US Dollars) per incident.
• Authorized partners are entitled to have unlimited customer support.
• To receive e-mail technical support, please include the serial number of the product(s) in question. The serial
number should be on the product and conform to the following format: ##UT######## or ##R7########. We
will be unable to respond to your inquiry without this information.
For the U.S. and Canada:
Phone: 1-866-ORiNOCO (1-866-674-6626)
E-mail: USAsupport@orinocowireless.com