SCSI Description
5–60 Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives
MODE SELECT (6) Command (15h) (continued)
5.14.1 Initiator-Changeable Mode Pages
Table 5-26 lists the mode pages that are supported by the drive. An initiator can
change these pages by supplying them, with the desired changes included, in the
MODE SELECT command’s data-out buffer transfer.
The initiator should first use a MODE SENSE command to read the appropriate
pages and leave non-changeable values as read when the initiator subsequently
writes the changeable pages with the MODE SELECT command. If a non-
changeable field contains an invalid value, the drive returns a CHECK
Table 5–26 Initiator-Changeable Mode Pages
Page Code Page Name Function Size In Bytes
00h Unit Attention Control Page Unit Attention reporting 4
(enables or disables)
01h Read-Write Error Recovery Medium Access Error recovery 12
Page and reporting procedures for
READ and WRITE commands
02h Disconnect-Reconnect Page Bus behavior during data transfers 16
Verify Error Recovery Page Medium Access Error recovery 12
and reporting procedures for the
VERIFY command
Caching Page Cache policy 20
Control Mode Page Command processing policy 12
0Ch Notch and Partition Page
Drive geometry reporting 24
10h XOR Control Page Controls XOR operating parameters 24
1Ah Power Condition Page Enable and set time intervals for Idle 12
and Standby modes
Information Exceptions Defines methods to control reporting 12
Control Page and operations of specific informational
exception conditions.
39h Quantum-Unique Page 22
1. This page is not supported by the SCSI-1/CCS Operating Mode.
2. The Notch and Partition page is changeable but NOT savable.