Appendix B. SCSI Bus Signal Timing
B–22 Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra 160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives
If the drive does not retry the MESSAGE OUT phase or it exhausts its retry limit, it
• Return CHECK CONDITION status and set the sense key to ABORTED
COMMAND and the additional sense code to MESSAGE ERROR.
• Indicate an exception condition by performing an unexpected disconnect.
The drive can act on messages as received as long as no parity error is detected
and can ignore all remaining messages sent under one ATN condition after a
parity error is detected. When a sequence of messages is re-sent by an initiator
because of a drive detected parity error, the drive does not act on any message
that it acted on the first time the messages are received.
If the drive receives all the message byte(s) successfully, it indicates that it does not
want to retry by changing to any information transfer phase other than the
MESSAGE OUT phase and transfers at least one byte. The drive can also indicate
that it has successfully received the message byte(s) by changing to the BUS FREE