SCSI Description
5–174 Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives
REQUEST SENSE Command (03h) (continued)
Table 5–83 Sense Data Fields (Error Code 70h) — Field Descriptions
Field Definition
Valid The Valid bit, when set to 1, indicates that the Information field contains
valid information, as defined below. When set to 0, it indicates that the
contents of the Information field are not as defined below.
Error Code Either 70h, indicating that current errors are to be reported, or 71h,
indicating deferred errors are to be reported.
Segment Number This feature is not supported and will return a zero value.
FileMrk The File Mark field is reserved for sequential access devices.
This field will return a zero value.
EOM The End-of-Medium field is reserved for sequential access and printer
devices. This field will return a zero value.
ILI Incorrect Length Indicator. When this bit is set to 1, it indicates that the
requested logical sector length did not match the logical sector length of
the data on the media. This field is only set for incorrect byte transfer
lengths on a READ LONG and WRITE LONG command descriptor block.
Sense Key The sense key, additional sense code, and additional sense code qualifier
provide a hierarchy of information. The sense key provides the highest
level of information about error and exception conditions. The additional
sense code and qualifier provided more detailed information.
The sense keys supported by the drive are described in Table 5–84.
Information The Information field contains the following device-type or command-
specific information:
1) The unsigned logical sector address associated with the sense key.
2) The difference between the requested length and the actual length in
either bytes or sectors, as determined by the command. This
difference is called the residue.
3) A description of each of the drive's supported commands definition
for this field is contained in Table 5–85.
Additional Sense The Additional Sense Length field indicates the number of addition
Length sense bytes that can follow. If the Allocation Block Length specified in
the Command Descriptor Block is too small to transfer all of the
additional sense bytes, the Additional Sense Length byte value is not
adjusted to reflect the truncation.
Command-Specific The Command-Specific Information field is valid only for Sense Data
Information for a failed REASSIGN BLOCKS command. It contains either the Logical
Block Address of the first defect descriptor not reassigned or, if all the
defect descriptors were reassigned, FFFFFFFFh.
Additional Sense Code The Additional Sense Code field indicates further information related to
the error or exception condition reported in the sense key. If the drive
does not have further related information, the additional sense key is set
Additional Sense Code The Additional Sense Code Qualifier field indicates detailed
Qualifier information related to the additional sense code. If the drive does not
have detailed information, the field is set to 0.