SCSI Description
5–26 Quantum Atlas 10K II Ultra160/m SCSI Hard Disk Drives
FORMAT UNIT Command (04h) (continued)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Operation Code (04h)
1 Reserved Fmt
Defect List Format
2 Vendor-Specific
3 - 4 Interleave
5 Control
Figure 5–4 FORMAT UNIT Command Descriptor Block — Data Format
Table 5–7 FORMAT UNIT Command — Field Descriptions
Field Description
FmtData Format Data. When the Format Data value is 1, it indicates that a data-out
buffer transfer occurs as part of the command execution. The FORMAT UNIT
Parameter List (consisting of a Defect List Header and, optionally, a number
of Block Format Defect Descriptors) is passed to the device during this phase.
When the Format Data value is 0, the data-out buffer transfer does not occur.
CmpLst Complete List. When the Complete List value is 1, the drive deletes its current
Grown Defect List and starts a new one, containing the Logical Block
Numbers listed in the defect list supplied by the initiator with this command.
Defective Logical Block Numbers identified during this format operation are
added to the list, creating a new Grown Defect List.
When the Complete List value is 0, the drive adds initiator-supplied and
newly found defective Logical Block Numbers to the existing Grown
Defective List.
Defect List Format The Defect List Format value specifies the defect descriptor passed by the
initiator to the drive when the Format Data value is 1. Acceptable values are:
000b (Block [or Sector] Format)
100b (Index Format)
101b (Physical Sector Format).
Vendor-Specific Not supported. Must be 0.
Interleave Not supported. Ignored by the drive.