
How tousethe VOICE RECORDING mode ( _ )
A voicecan berecordedforaslongasthe availab}e
recordingtime (max:lhour) allows.
1.tnany modewiththeexceptionof Moviec{ipmode,
selectthe VOICERECORDING modebypressing
the Voicerecordingbuttontwice.
2. Press the shutterbuttonto recordavoice.
-Pressthe shutterbuttononceand voice is
recordedforaslong asthe avai]abterecording
time (max:lhour) aibws. The recordingtimewi}I
bedisplayed onthe LCDmonitor.Voice willstill
berecordediftheshutter buttonis released.
-Ifyou wishto stop recording,presstheshutter
*A distance of40cmbetweenyouand the camera (microphone)isthe best
distance torecord sound.
Pressing the shutterbutton down halfway.
Ughflypresstheshutter buttonto confirmfocus andflashbatterycharge.
Pressthe shutter buttonallwaydowntotakethe picture.
[Lghtlypresstheshutterbutton] [ Press theshutter btZton ]
The avai}ablerecordingtime may varydepending on shootingconditionsand
camera settings.
When the F{ashOff or Slowsynchro modeis selectedin a lowlightingcondition,
the camera shakewarningindicator( _O_ )may appearonthe LCDmonitor.
_nthiscase,usea tripod,supportthecameraon a solidsurfaceor changeto
flashshot mode.
Shooting against the light:
PEeasedonottake picturestothe sunlightdirection.Taking a pictureagainstthe
sun maymake the picturedark.To take a pictureagainstthesun, pleaseusethe
[8aoklight] inthe sceneshootingmode (seepage 16),fiINnflash (seepage 25),
spot metering (seepage 37),or exposurecompensation (seepage 34).
Avoid obstructingthe lensor the flashwhen youcapturean image.
Compose the image by using the LCDmonitor.