• InPlaymode,the play& pause/down button worksas follows:
- Ifthe menu isdisplayed
Pressthe DOWN buttonto movefrom the mainmenu toasub menu,orto
movedownthe submenucursor.
- Ifa stillimage withavoice memo, a voicefile,or amovie clipisplaying
InStopmode :Playsastillimagewitha voice memo a voice file,or a
Duringplayback :Temporarilystops playback.
InPausemode : Resumes playback
[Voicerecording is stopped] [Voicerecording is playing] [Voicerecording tspaused]
• It ispossibleto add specialeffectsto your images by usingthis button.
1.Selectastillimageor movieclip andpress
the Ebutton.
2. Selectadesiredsub menuand pressthe
_. :Capturedimageswill bestoredin
black andwhite.
:Capturedimageswill bestoredina sepiatone
(a gradientofyellowishbrown coloars).
q_, :Capturedimages wiltbestoredina bluetone.
t_ :Capturedimageswiltbestoredina redtone.
_, :Capturedimageswill bestoredina greentone.
:Savetheimage innegativemode.
÷ The changedimage is savedin anew file name.