• If youcannot obtain suitableexposureconditions,youcan change the metering
methodto take brighterpictures.
[Multi] :Exposurewiltbecalculatedbasedonan
area.However,the calculation willbebiased
towardsthecentreoftheimage area.
This issuitableforgeneral use.
[Spot] :Onlythe rectangulararea inthe centreof
the LCDmonitorwill bemeteredfor light.
This issuitablewhen the subjectinthe
centreis exposedcorrectly,regardlessofthe back lighting.
_:ttfthe subject isnot the centreofthefocus area,donot usethe spotmetering
asthis may resultinanexposure error.Inthiscircumstance,it isbetter touse
• You canselectyour preferredAuto Focustype accordingto theshooting condition.
- [MultiAF] :Thiscamera selectsaAFpoint from
the 5 AFpoints.
- [CenterAF] :Therectangulararea inthe centerof
the LCD monitorwillbefocused
[Multi AF] [Center AF]
[PROGRAM mode]
_:tWhenthe camerafocusesonthesubject,the autofocus frameturns too green.
Whenthe cameradoesn't focus onthe subject,the auto focus frame turnsto