
CAUTION indicatesa potentiallyhazardoussituationwhich, ifnotavoided,may
resultina minorormoderate injury.
Leaking, overheating,ordamaged battery could resultinfire or injury.
Use batterywiththe correctspecificationforthe camera.
Donot short circuit,heator disposeof batteryin fire.
Donot insertthe batterywith the #,3larChesreversed.
Remove the batterywhen not pla_'iingto_Li_ethecamerafor a long periodof
time.Othe_,ise the battery may!eak SiR electrolyteandpermanently
damagethe camera'scompo_l_ts. _!?_:
De not firethe flashwhileit i_in cont_ith ha_s orobjects.Donottouchthe
fleshafterusingitcontinu_sly. Itma_use burn_.
De not movethe camera_hile it iss_.t@hedon, ify_are usingthe AC Charger.
Afteruse,always swit_off the camera_l_eforeunpluggingthecable fromthe
wallsocket. Thenmakd_sure_et any_necte'," _d Srcablestootherdevices
aredisconnectedbefor_pvir_g _e _a,_ _aitg[et_ do so maydamage the
cordsor cablesand cadsea_ _;e/ec_ic _:i
Take care notto touch the lensor lenscoverto avoidtaking an unclearimage
andpossiblycausingcamera malfunction.
Avoidobstructingthe lensorthe flash when youcapture an image.
Before insertinganycablesor AC adapter, checkthe directionsand do not insert
byforce, tt maycause breakageof cable orcamera.
Creditcardsmay bedemagnetizedif leftnearcase. Avoid leavingmagneticstrip
System chart ........................... 5
identificationoffeatures ............... 6
Front& Top .............................. 6
Back & Bottom ........................ 7
Bottom/5-function button............ 8
Self-timer lamp ........................ 8
Camera StatusLamp.................. 8
Modeicon .............................. 9
Connecting toa PowerSource ...... 9
insertingthe memorycard ......... 10
Instructionsonhowto use the
memorycard ........................... 11
LCDmonitorindicator ............... 13
Starting the recordingmode ......... 14
Howto use the AUTOmode ...... 14
Howtouse the PROGRAM
mode .................................... 14
Howto use the APERTURE
PRIORITY mode ..................... 14
mode .................................... 15
Howto use the MANUAL mode ...15
Howto use the ASR (Advanced
ShakeReduction)mode ............ 15
Wise Shot .............................. 16
Howto use the SCENEmode ..-16
Rowto use the MOVIE CLtP
mode .................................... 17
Recordingthe movieclip without
voice .................................... 17
Pausing whilerecordinga movieclip
(Successive Recording) ............ 17
Using SuccessiveRecording ...... 17
Howto use the VOICE
RECORDINGmode.................. 18
Thingsto WatchOutfor When
Taking Pictures ........................... 18
Using the camerabuttonsto setthe
camera ................................. 19
POWER button........................ 19
Shutterbutton ........................ 19
ZOOMW / Tbutton .................. 20
Voicerecording/Voice memoUP
button.................................... 21
Macro /Down button ............... 22
Focus lock.............................. 23
Flash /Leftbutton ..................... 24
Self-timer/ Rightbutton ............ 26
MENU /OK button .................. 26