Index I-5
factory reset A-6
factory reset ZonePlayer A-4
factory reset, Controller A-7
fast forward 3-4, 4-5, 5-5
file sharing, enabling 4-35
file storage supported B-2, B-3
file types supported B-1, B-3
firewall information 3-36, 4-33
fix permissions 3-14
flashing amber light A-5, A-11
flashing red light A-11
folders, sort by 1-5
formats, audio B-1
frozen, Controller A-6
general preferences 4-15
group compilations 1-6
group compilations, iTunes 1-6
hidden ZonePlayer 2-12
hide Music Services tab 4-15
hide music services tab 3-15
home theater, connect to 2-13
home theater, encoding setting 4-32
imported playlists 3-11, 4-12, 5-23
index music 5-38
interference 5-15, A-7
interference, wireless 3-35, 4-31
Internet radio 3-32, 4-28, 5-31
Internet radio preferences 3-33, 4-29
iPod, connect to ZonePlayer 2-16
ISS Black Ice 3-39