Sonos Digital Music System User Guide4-6
Select to mute the sound in a zone (if you have a zone group, all rooms in the
zone group are affected). Select again to unmute.
Muting all zones (DCR)
• To mute all the ZonePlayers in your household, select Mute All Zones from the
Play menu. The track will continue to progress, but no sound will be emitted.
•To unmute all, select Unmute All Zones from the Play menu.
Adjusting sound settings (DCR)
Highlight a zone in the Zones pane and select the Equalizer button to change the
sound settings (treble, bass, loudness, balance, or volume) for an individual ZonePlayer.
(You can also select Equalizer from the Play menu.)
• When changing the volume for a zone group, use the group volume control on
the left.
• If you have two or more zones in a group, use the Equalizer panel to adjust the
volume for each zone individually.
Managing Zones (DCR)
You can play a different music selection in each zone, or you can group zones together
to play the same music in synchrony. Zones can be managed from either the Zones
pane or the Zones menu. From either of these, you can:
• See an alphabetical list of the zones in your house
• Link zones together to form a zone group
• Drop a zone from a zone group
Music will continue to play while you browse your zone settings. The current zone is
highlighted, and the music selections you make will play in that zone.
Zone groups
Group a zone with any other zone(s) to form a zone group, causing those zones to play
the same music in synchrony. You can link or drop zones from a group while the music
is playing. Link all ZonePlayers by selecting All Zones-Party Mode.