Chapter 3: Windows® Desktop Controller
Managing the Music Queue
Once you have added tracks to a queue, you can make changes to the music queue
using the playback buttons, the Play menu options, or the queue control buttons. You
• Remove a track from the queue
• Clear the entire music queue
• Move a track within the queue
•Click the Shuffle button to play the tracks in the music queue in a random order
•Click the Repeat button to repeat the music queue after the last track has fin-
• Save a queue as a Sonos playlist
Removing a track from the queue
1. From the Queue pane, click to highlight the song you want to remove from the
music queue.
2. Choose one of the following options:
•Click Remove Track, or
• Select Queue>Remove Track from the Play menu.
The track disappears from the queue list.
Moving a track within the queue
1. Click the left-mouse button and, while holding, drag the track you want to move
within the queue.
2. Drag it up or down to the desired location, and then release.
Clearing the music queue
1. Choose one of the following options:
•Click Clear Queue from the bottom of the Queue pane, or
•Click Queue>Clear Queue from the Play menu.
2. Click Yes to confirm.
This will clear the entire queue and stop the music from playing.