Chapter 2: ZonePlayer Setup and Operation
6. Select the line-in level appropriate for this device, and then click OK.
• The default (typical) line-in level for the selected device type is displayed. You
can increase or decrease the level, but if the level is set too high, you may expe-
rience clipping at higher volume levels.
To connect using Sonos Controller
From the Music menu, select Line-In Sources and press OK.
• To play music from this source, highlight it and press OK.
• To change the name of the component, highlight it and select Edit Name.
Choose a new name from the list, and press OK.
• To change the line-in level for this component, highlight it and select Edit Line
Level. Choose the line-in level appropriate for this device, and click OK.
A default (typical) line-in level is automatically assigned when you select a source
name. If the volume sounds too low, you can select a higher line level for this
device. You may experience clipping at higher volume levels if you set the level
too high.
To change the line-in encoding for these components, see "Line-In encoding".
Changing the line-in encoding setting
The audio from line-in sources can be encoded to produce compressed or
uncompressed audio. We recommend the following usage guidelines:
Use Uncompressed if:
• You want optimal performance with home theaters.
• You want to produce the highest quality sound for your multi-zone Sonos sys-
tem (this selection requires more network bandwidth than compressed audio.)
Use Compressed if:
• You are connecting more than 4 zones wirelessly.
Using the Desktop Controller software
1. From the File menu (Windows) orSonos (Macintosh) menu, select Preferences.
2. Click the Advanced tab.
3. Select Compressed or Uncompressed from the Line-In Encoding list, and click