Operating Manual
1. Is the location of the 'stop' button clear?
2. Has the pipework system been flushed
through to purge welding slag and any
other hard solids?
3. Have all obstructions been removed
from the pipework or pump?
4. Are the pump connections and pipework
joints tight and leak-free?
5. Is there lubrication in the pump and
drive unit?
6. If your product seals require flushing
has the flushing supply been fitted?
7. Are the pipework valves open?
8. Are all safety guards in place?
9. Start then stop the pump, is the product
flowing in the correct direction?
10. Are the pump speed/pressure settings
below the pump maximum limitations?
6.0 Start up, Shut Down and Cleaning in Place
6.1 Pump Start-up Checklist
If there are any pumping problems
refer to the fault finding chart.
All answers should be 'Yes' before proceeding.
Yes No