Section 3 — Functional Description
Wipe Mezzanine (064828)
The Wipe Mezzanines:
■ Create the wipe and preset pattern key control signals
The Wipe Mezzanine generates the wipe solid for all wipes including the
matrix wipe. The primary Wipe Mezzanine generates the wipe solid for the
wipe. The secondary wipe generator generates the wipe solid for the preset
pattern. Each Wipe Mezzanine Module can take in the wipe solid from the
other Wipe Mezzanine and do a mix or a NAM (Non Additive Mix)
between its output and the other Wipe Mezzanine’s output.
There is space on the Mix/Wipe Module for two Wipe Generator
mezzanines. The first Wipe Generator Mezzanine for each M/E is standard
and can generate the wipe and preset pattern key control signal. If only this
mezzanine is installed, these two signals are identical. If the second Wipe
Generator Mezzanine is installed, that mezzanine generates the preset
pattern key signal which then may be different than the wipe pattern.
Preview Mezzanine Module (064829)
The Preview Mezzanine generates:
■ Look ahead preview for that M/E
■ Key Preview for that M/E
■ Clean feed for that M/E
Figure 3-6. Mix/Wipe Mezzanine Locations