Switcher Option Module Installation
Chroma Keyer Option
Chromatte™ Advanced Chroma Keyer
You may install one Chromatte™ Chroma Keyer to each M/E to add
internal 4:2:2 chroma keying functions to Keyer 1 and Keyer 2. Each option
includes a Chroma Key Carrier Module with a mezzanine module. The
Chroma Keyer for M/E 1 slides into slot A3 and the M/E 2 Chroma Keyer
slides into slot A16. To configure your Keyer option refer to the menus for
the Chroma Keyer in Section Three of the Operators Manual. Any serial
digital input may be used for 4:2:2 chroma keying from the key bus. Analog
component video may be used for 4:4:4 chroma keying with the Analog
Component Chroma Keyer Input Modules option. There is a separate front
panel gain control for each of the input BNC connectors.
BORDERLINE Key Edge Generator Option
The Borderline® option consists of one mezzanine module for one keyer.
This option module mounts on the Keyer Carrier where the Borderline is
desired. Up to four Borderline options may be installed on the Keyer
Carriers; one for M/E 1 Keyer 1 (Slot A5), M/E 1 Keyer 2 (Slot A6), M/E 2
Keyer 1 (Slot A13), M/E 2 Keyer 2 (Slot A14).
To install a Borderline Module, remove the designated Keyer Carrier
carefully, and place it on a static free surface. The Borderline Mezzanine
installs in the top location of the module above the Keyer Mezzanines as
illustrated in Figure 2-15.
1. Line up the four 50-pin connectors on the Borderline mezzanine with
the matching connectors on the Keyer Carrier. Be sure the pins are lined
up properly before seating the mezzanine (look between the mezzanine
and the Carrier). Push down firmly to seat the mezzanine to the Carrier.
Check that no pins are bent or outside of the connectors.
2. From the solder side of the Carrier, attach the mezzanine to the module;
install the four screws into the metal spacers on the mezzanine, and
carefully reinstall the Keyer Carrier into the frame in its proper slot
For best mechanical fit, Mezzanine modules should always be removed by
unscrewing from the solder side of the Carrier, not from the component side of the