Servicing Precautions
Replacement of Individual Power Supply Assemblies
If it is necessary to replace an individual power supply in the Signal
Processor Frame Power Supply, it is important for you to be aware of the
following information:
■ Two types of power supplies are used in the Signal Processor Frame
Power Supply for the 2200 Switchers—a Multi-Output supply and a
high-current +5 Volt supply.
■ Power supply units from two different manufacturers—Pioneer
Magnetics and Todd Products Corporation—have been used in the
Signal Processor Frame Power Supplies.
The units from the two manufacturers are very different in appearance, but
are electrically compatible, with the following exception:
In a redundant power system, the two +5 Volt supplies must be of the
same “make” and the two Multi-Output supplies must be of the same
make. (The +5 Volt and Multi-Output supplies, however, may be of
different makes.)
This means that if you need to replace one power supply assembly in a
redundant power system, you must either replace that supply with one
of the same make, or replace both supplies that operate in parallel.
Check to see that your replacement is compatible in a redundant system,
and, if necessary, contact Grass Valley Customer Service.
In a non-redundant power system, if both power supply units (one Multi-
Output and one +5V) in the single power supply frame are Todd supplies, the
frame can be wired to operate on 110 volts, as described in the Installation Section
of this manual.
Each power supply comes as a complete assembly (“sled”) that must be
replaced as a unit. As viewed from the rear of the frame, the +5 Volt supply
assembly is located in the compartment at the right side of the chassis and
the Multi-Output (+13V/–13V/–5.2V/+48V) supply is located in the
compartment at the left.