Section 4 — Maintenance
The following procedures (one for the Multi-Output supply and one for the
+5 Volt supply) describe replacing Pioneer power supply assemblies with
Todd power supply assemblies.
For any of the other three possible replacements—replacing a Pioneer unit
with a Pioneer, replacing a Todd unit with a Todd, or replacing a Todd unit
with a Pioneer—use the following procedures as guides and perform the
appropriate steps.
Replacement of Multi-Output Power Supply Assembly
In order to replace a Pioneer Multi-Output supply with a Todd Multi-
Output supply, you will need to have the installation kit that is part of Field
Modification Note FM2025.
To replace a Pioneer Multi-Output assembly with a Todd Multi-Output
assembly, proceed as follows:
1. On the front panel of the main Signal Processor Frame Power Supply,
turn off the main power switch. The indicator LEDs on the front panel
will go out.
If there is a Redundant Signal Processor Frame Power Supply, also turn
off its main power switch.
2. Inside the switcher Control Panel, turn off the main Control Panel
Power Supply switch and (if present) the redundant Control Panel
Power Supply switch.
3. At the rear of the equipment rack, disconnect AC power from the Signal
Processor Frame Power Supply by unplugging the cable from the AC
power source.
If there is a redundant Signal Processor Frame Power Supply, also
disconnect it from the AC power source.
If a redundant power supply is installed, power to both supplies must be
disconnected, due to the interconnecting wiring.