TDS 500C, TDS 600B, & TDS 700C User Manual
Rise time
The time it takes for a leading edge of a pulse to rise from a LowRef value
(typically 10%) to a HighRef value (typically 90%) of its amplitude.
Amplitude (voltage) measurement of the true Root Mean Square voltage.
Runt trigger
A mode in which the oscilloscope triggers on a runt. A runt is a pulse that
crosses one threshold but fails to cross a second threshold before recrossing
the first. The crossings detected can be positive, negative, or either.
Sample acquisition mode
The oscilloscope creates a record point by saving the first sample during
each acquisition interval. That is the default mode of the acquisition.
Sample interval
The time interval between successive samples in a time base. For real-time
digitizers, the sample interval is the reciprocal of the sample rate. For
equivalent-time digitizers, the time interval between successive samples
represents equivalent time, not real time.
The process of capturing an analog input, such as a voltage, at a discrete
point in time and holding it constant so that it can be quantized. Two general
methods of sampling are: real-time sampling and equivalent-time sampling.
Setup/Hold trigger
A mode in which the oscilloscope triggers when a data source changes state
within the setup or hold time relative to a clock source. Positive setup times
precede the clock edge; positive hold times follow the clock edge. The clock
edge may be the rising or falling edge.
Select button
A button that changes which of the two cursors is active.
Selected waveform
The waveform on which all measurements are performed, and which is
affected by vertical position and scale adjustments. The light over one of the
channel selector buttons indicates the current selected waveform.