TDS 500C, TDS 600B, & TDS 700C User Manual
Frame Length, Horizontal menu, 3–60
Frame, Display menu, 3–42
Frame, Horizontal menu, 3–60
Frequency, 2–22, 3–115, Glossary–4
Front Cover removal, 1–7
Front panel, 2–4
Full, Display menu, 3–42
Full, Vertical menu, 3–17
Function, Cursor menu, 3–129, 3–130
Fuse, 1–6, 2–5
Gated Measurements, 3–118, Glossary–4
Gating, Measure menu, 3–119
General purpose (high input resistance) probes, D–1
General purpose knob, 2–7, 2–25, Glossary–5
Glitch trigger, 3–89, 3–90, Glossary–5
How to set up, 3–91
Glitch, Main Trigger menu, 3–93
Goes FALSE, Main Trigger menu, 3–83, 3–85
Goes TRUE, Main Trigger menu, 3–83, 3–85
GPIB, 2–5, 3–174–3–178, Glossary–5
Connecting to, 3–176
Interconnect cabling, 3–175
Interface requirements, 3–174
Procedures for using, 3–176
Protocols, 3–174
Selecting and configuring the port, 3–176
Typical configuration, 3–175
GPIB Programming, F–1
GPIB, Hardcopy menu, 3–167
GPIB, Utility menu, 3–177
Graticule, 3–42, Glossary–5
Graticule measurements, 3–132
Graticule, Display menu, 3–42
Grid, Display menu, 3–42
Ground coupling, Glossary–5
GROUP 1, GROUP 2 ... buttons, 3–51
H Bars, Cursor menu, 3–129, 3–130
H Limit, Acquire menu, 3–185
Hamming window, 3–195
Hanning window, 3–195
Hard Disk, Option HD, A–1
Hardcopy, 3–164, Glossary–5
How to print (controller), 3–172
How to print (no controller), 3–169
How to save to disk, 3–171
How to set up for, 3–166
Printing a hardcopy, 3–164
Spool, 3–170
Hardcopy (Talk Only), Utility menu, 3–166
HARDCOPY button, 3–160, 3–167, 3–177
Hardcopy if Condition Met, Acquire menu, 3–187
Hardcopy menu
BMP Color, 3–167
BMP Mono, 3–167
Clear Spool, 3–167, 3–170
Deskjet, 3–167
DeskjetC, 3–167
DPU411–II, 3–167
DPU412, 3–167
EPS Color Img, 3–167
EPS Color Plt, 3–167
EPS Mono Img, 3–167
EPS Mono Plt, 3–167
Epson, 3–167
Format, 3–167
GPIB, 3–167
HPGL, 3–167
Interleaf, 3–167
Landscape, 3–167
Laserjet, 3–167
Layout, 3–167
OK Confirm Clear Spool, 3–170
Palette, 3–167
PCX, 3–167
PCX Color, 3–167
Port, 3–167
Portrait, 3–167
RLE Color, 3–167
Thinkjet, 3–167
TIFF, 3–167
Hardcopy, Color menu, 3–45
Hardcopy, Utility menu, 3–177
Help, Accessing, 3–179
HELP button, 3–181
Help system, 3–179
HF Rej, Main Trigger menu, 3–74
Hi Res, Incompatible with InstaVu, 3–58
Hi Res acquisition mode, 3–32, Glossary–5
Hi Res, Acquire menu, 3–33
High, 3–115, Glossary–6
High Ref, Measure menu, 3–121
High speed active probes, D–4
High voltage probes, D–2
High-Low Setup, Measure menu, 3–120
HiRes acquisition mode, 3–61
Histogram counting, 3–133
Histogram measurements, 3–135
Histogram menu, 3–133, 3–134
Histogram, Measure menu, 3–120