Acquiring and Displaying Waveforms
TDS 500C, TDS 600B, & TDS 700C User Manual
NOTE. To function properly, Extended acquisition mode forces some oscilloscope
modes and settings to new values. Also, measurements, gating, math, and
cursors are restricted to the current waveform record.
Extended-length Acquisition Record
Move to any portion of the acquisition record
Figure 3–9: Displaying an Extended Acquisition Length Record
Extended acquisition mode is a single acquisition sequence mode allowing you
time to examine the acquired data. To set Extended Acquisition mode:
Press HORIZONTAL MENU ➞ Extd Acq Setup (main) ➞ Extended
Acquisition (side) to toggle Extended Acquisition mode On (see Figure 3–10).
To acquire a new data record, press Run/Stop.
Read the side menus to determine the acquisition length, waveform record
length, acquisition duration, and the record starting location:
H Acq Len displays the length of the acquisition record. The oscilloscope
model and the number of channels in use determines the length.